PFoE 2022: "Europe's Christian heritage - Does it mean anything today?"

· Uffe Østergaard (Professor, Jean Monnet)
· Lisbet Kristoffersen (Professor, Church Law)
· Johannes Nordentoft (International Advisor, Catholic Church, Denmark)
· Tonny Jakobsen ( Vicechair, Danish Church Council)
· Mikael Wandt Laursen (General Secretary, FrikirkeNet) (Moderator)

Tid og sted:
Foreign Policy Stage på PFoE 2022 i Mariager d. 27/8-2022 kl. 12.00 – 13.00

Danske Kirkers Råd

“I could have become a priest, and if so I could have helped believers die. Instead, I chose to help non-believers live”, is what Robert Schumann supposedly said. He is known as Europe’s father, and was a central figure in the creation of the Coal and Steel Union and in the phrasing og the Rome-treaty. In current years, he’s perceived as something like a saint in the Catholic Church. Not only was he a driving force behind the development of the institutional Europe and EU, he was also the primary thinker behind the work for peace and unity between European nations and their inhabitants. How is Europe’s Christian heritage coming along, however? What does that heritage mean for the integration of the European Project in the years following Brexit and the increasingly undemocratic behaviour of Poland and Hungary? What can we use Schumann’s heritage for in the wake of the war in Ukraine, and do the churches even have a meaningful voice when discussing Europe today? Do we still have community and unity in sight, or have such aims been replaced by military armament and continuing demands for economic growth? These are some of the questions that will be considered in this conversation between church representatives and historians.



Political Festival of Europe (PFoE) hyrede i 2022 Værftet Productions til at livestreame og videooptage de 6 scener, fra den store “Political Festival” i Mariager.

Værftet har specialiseret sig i at livestreame fra mange forskellige events, bla. generalforsamlinger for firmaer/foreninger, hvor vi også står for den online afstemning. Så vi takkede ja med glæde!

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