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PFoE in Mariager 2022
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An environmentally conscious Europe
Christianity and politics in times of crisis
Eastern Enlargement of the European Union
EU aspirations of Balkan countries
European Culture
European defense and security policy
European Energy Security and Black Sea Region in the wake of the war in Ukraine
Europe’s Christian heritage – does it mean anything today?
Fremtidens transport ?
Frontex – do we need an action force, to secure the borders of the EU?
Green transition of Europe!
Hvad er frihedens pris ?
How can we create peace in the world?
I Bruxelles kan ingen høre dig skrige!
Is the nation state still a relevant institution in the management of security issues?
Nuclear energy – dangerous or the future?
The role of onshore renewables in the green transition?
Women in war – how is the war in Ukraine affecting people ?
Køge Open 2021
FSFI Generalforsamling 2021
FSFI Generalforsamling 2022
Vordingborg Dartklub 2020
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Dart streaming for Vordingborg Dartklub 2020
Digital Generalforsamling for FSFI 2021
Digital Generalforsamling for FSFI 2022
Folkemødet 2022 Live Streaming
Folkemødet 2023 Live Streaming
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Køge Open 2021
Køge Open 2022
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PFoE 2022: “An environmentally conscious Europe via a transition to circular economy.”
PFoE 2022: “An environmentally conscious Europe via a transition to circular economy.”
PFoE 2022: “Christianity and politics in times of crisis”
PFoE 2022: “EU aspirations of Balkan countries”
PFoE 2022: “Europe’s Christian heritage – does it mean anything today?”
PFoE 2022: “European Culture”
PFoE 2022: “European defense and security policy”
PFoE 2022: “European Energy Security and Black Sea Region in the wake of the war in Ukraine”
PFoE 2022: “Fremtidens transport.”
PFoE 2022: “Frontex – do we need an action force, to secure the borders of the EU?”
PFoE 2022: “How can we create peace in the world?”
PFoE 2022: “Hvad er frihedens pris ?”
PFoE 2022: “I Bruxelles kan ingen høre dig skrige – a book about the climate issues.”
PFoE 2022: “Is the nation state still a relevant institution in the management of security issues?”
PFoE 2022: “Must we change our transportation demands to be less reliant on planes and cars?”
PFoE 2022: “Nuclear energy – dangerous or the future?”
PFoE 2022: “The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union – New Friends Approaching”
PFoE 2022: “The green transition of Europe – how can it affect our jobs and businesses?”
PFoE 2022: “What is the role of onshore renewables like wind and solar in the green transition?”
PFoE 2022: “Women in war – how is the war in Ukraine affecting people?”
Political Festival of Europe (PFoE) in Mariager 2022
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Folkemødet 2023
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PFoE in Mariager 2022
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An environmentally conscious Europe
Christianity and politics in times of crisis
Eastern Enlargement of the European Union
EU aspirations of Balkan countries
European Culture
European defense and security policy
European Energy Security and Black Sea Region in the wake of the war in Ukraine
Europe’s Christian heritage – does it mean anything today?
Fremtidens transport ?
Frontex – do we need an action force, to secure the borders of the EU?
Green transition of Europe!
Hvad er frihedens pris ?
How can we create peace in the world?
I Bruxelles kan ingen høre dig skrige!
Is the nation state still a relevant institution in the management of security issues?
Nuclear energy – dangerous or the future?
The role of onshore renewables in the green transition?
Women in war – how is the war in Ukraine affecting people ?
Køge Open 2021
FSFI Generalforsamling 2021
FSFI Generalforsamling 2022
Vordingborg Dartklub 2020
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Main Menu
Åbent hus
Dart streaming for Vordingborg Dartklub 2020
Digital Generalforsamling for FSFI 2021
Digital Generalforsamling for FSFI 2022
Folkemødet 2022 Live Streaming
Folkemødet 2023 Live Streaming
Gudstjeneste Online
Køge Open 2021
Køge Open 2022
Kontakt os
KV 21
Live optagelse af band
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Om os
PFoE 2022: “An environmentally conscious Europe via a transition to circular economy.”
PFoE 2022: “An environmentally conscious Europe via a transition to circular economy.”
PFoE 2022: “Christianity and politics in times of crisis”
PFoE 2022: “EU aspirations of Balkan countries”
PFoE 2022: “Europe’s Christian heritage – does it mean anything today?”
PFoE 2022: “European Culture”
PFoE 2022: “European defense and security policy”
PFoE 2022: “European Energy Security and Black Sea Region in the wake of the war in Ukraine”
PFoE 2022: “Fremtidens transport.”
PFoE 2022: “Frontex – do we need an action force, to secure the borders of the EU?”
PFoE 2022: “How can we create peace in the world?”
PFoE 2022: “Hvad er frihedens pris ?”
PFoE 2022: “I Bruxelles kan ingen høre dig skrige – a book about the climate issues.”
PFoE 2022: “Is the nation state still a relevant institution in the management of security issues?”
PFoE 2022: “Must we change our transportation demands to be less reliant on planes and cars?”
PFoE 2022: “Nuclear energy – dangerous or the future?”
PFoE 2022: “The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union – New Friends Approaching”
PFoE 2022: “The green transition of Europe – how can it affect our jobs and businesses?”
PFoE 2022: “What is the role of onshore renewables like wind and solar in the green transition?”
PFoE 2022: “Women in war – how is the war in Ukraine affecting people?”
Political Festival of Europe (PFoE) in Mariager 2022
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